The Maple Room
Behold the beginning of The Maple Room. Why that particular name? I just thought it was nicer than “that there room box.”
This is the Traditional Room Box Kit from Real Good Toys.
I was in a shopping mood the other day and had the monies I won for Roland’s Retreat, so I ordered the room box kit and some miscellaneous trims they had on sale. I like having the room box mockup I used for the Shapeways room, but it is very narrow.
It’s also not a permanent structure. It was built on the platform for the now defunct Mt. Sydney Chalet. I still have the room set up, but over time this will wear out.
I usually make quick scenes to photograph minis on the fly, but this takes more time and more space than you would think.
This type of setup isn’t easy to move since everything is just propped in place and scattered. How am I supposed to make microwave popcorn in this chaos?!
I’ve thought for a long time now how great it would be to have an actual room box I could take out, plug in and go. :] I especially like that this has a plexiglass front and top to keep the dust out and perhaps to store items I’d like to see but not have to dust in between photography studio use. It’s a large room but will fit on my bookshelf easily. It will also be easy to place tissue over the top plexiglass to diffuse the lighting.
I will be making both the front and top removable since the front piece would cause glare in photographs. My plan is to also make channels so I can use different papers as needed for the scenes. Hmm…like the changing seasons…maybe The Maple Room name makes more sense than I realized. :D
I did think about buying wood supplies and doing it all myself, but that would have defeated the purpose of a quick build and I had the monies to spend! :]
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
June 1, 2015 | 0 commentsRetro laundry
So, the roll-away bed looked fine in the modern laundry, but just look at it with a retro Westinghouse washer dryer set! :D
I even got a retro squeeze mop from The Dolls House Mall. The broom is from Wright Guide Miniatures.
The mop doesn’t actually move, but it’s remarkably detailed with its pale yellow foam pad.
So, where did I find these beauties? They aren’t actually dollhouse miniatures. They are retro salt & pepper shakers! I found this pair from GlasskatsVitageItem on etsy. They are in a little rough condition (not a complaint about the seller at all, just stating that these are in true vintage condition with yellowing glue and shelf wear), but they photograph well and are too cute!
The wonderfully detailed 3D printed laundry basket is by Marion Russek on Shapeways, and I spray painted it flat white. Endora is from agzr*studios.
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
May 22, 2015 | 0 commentsMaking minis with Shapeways
One recent and amazing development in the world of miniatures is 3D printing. Shapeways gives designers and shoppers a way to meet and mingle. There are so many custom miniatures in different sizes and materials available. Shapeways held a contest featuring miniatures, and I made a mini crafting scene to enter.
I started with a miniature reproduction of the Shapeways shipping box shown here at Baxter Pointe Villa.
I split apart a real one then reproduced the wording and logos through scanning, manual type-setting and clip-art alteration.
I even made a tiny USPS label. :D
The shipping tape dispenser left the best detailing on the ends, so I kept that intact.
The tiny X-Acto knife is by Ulus Miniaturas.
Open the box to find Shapeways 3D printed items wrapped in thin foam (many thanks to Peggy for the foam supply). Maybe one of these days I’ll figure out how to make bubble wrap in 1:12 scale. I did at least include tiny pieces of masking tape to hold the foam secure. :D
Inside were a 3D printed swimming pool in N scale from TheDallesHostler and a 3D printed N scale bridge from railNscale, bought just in case of disaster with the pool. I will likely use the bridge for the tiny Hampton House.
My mini craft room is also the laundry room. This beautiful washer and dryer set from Barbara are accented by a wonderfully detailed 3D printed laundry basket by MarionRussek. I spray painted it flat white.
Ophelia likes to hang out in the laundry room when there is crafting going on.
The 3D printed bookshelf which I painted Liquitex Iridescent Bronze is from modernminifan. I added various miniatures to fill the space, using the largest of the books in my collection to make the best use of the space.
The modern vase is from modernminifan and was molded in white. I painted it Testors Gloss Teal, a gorgeous metallic blue green.
I removed the ladder from the pool since the printing was slightly off and painted the pool using acrylic paints. The 3D printed desk accessories are from modernminifan. They were printed in a lightly metallic grey, so I left them as is. I added accessories and even a tissue for the tissue box holder. The 3D printed stacking bins are from MarionRussek, designed by Pepper. These were molded in green. I made the masking tape roll and sketch pad.
Then it was time for the resin (Acrylic Water from Walmart). I’ve included a tiny dispensing cup and stir stick. I tried putting measurement lines on the cup, but that’s apparently above my pay grade. :D
The 3D printed overhead lampshade is by MarionRussek. I painted it soft tan to mimic a bamboo shade, added a Novalyte can LED and fed the wire through a length of aluminum tubing. The window was originally in the Newport and has my custom café shutters. Yes, they open, too. :]
Burning the midnight oil. Yeah, I’ve never done that before. haaaaaaaaaaa!
Hooray! Done with time to spare. :D
UPDATE: My mini craft station in the laundry room took first place!! eeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D *wrings hands and starts shopping list*Congratulations to Alice, Kristine and Cyd on their winnings and a huge pat on the back to all the contestants!!! You can see all of the entries here and the winners announcement here. Thank you to the judges: Carol, Kacie and Megan!
Many thanks to Shapeways for the opportunity to participate and for the wonderful minis brought to life through 3D printing. I’m so thrilled!!!!
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
April 6, 2015 | 0 commentsRoom boxes and mini scenes
Just a recap post to make it easier to find my mini room box scenes. These are typically for holidays or humor and are not permanent structures. You can click the title links for additional details and photos.
The Wishing Fountain – Halloween 2024
Spooky Hollow – Halloween 2022
A Coral Pink Christmas – 2021
Happy Halloween from Bert and Halo – 2020
Sewing in mini – 2018
Mom’s Kitchen – 2016
A quiet little Christmas – 2015
The Maple Room – 2015 — a quick-change room box for photographing minis
Laundry Room / Craft Room – April 2015
A little Halloween humor – 2011
Christmas at The Newport – 2009
I also have a post on photographing minis without a roombox.
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
March 30, 2015 | 0 commentsDouble trouble…or the rest of the story
Yesterday’s post.
Roland ponders, “Hmm…what’s this?”
Sanford asks, “What’s up there?” Roland replies, “Muffins and cookies.”
Sanford warns, “Be careful. Don’t fall.”
Roland says, “Pffft. I got this!”
Sanford whispers, “Someone’s coming…hurry up!”
I swear there were more muffins and cookies. Huh.
Categories: Animals and birds, Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
March 27, 2014 | 0 commentsWhat in the…
Well, this isn’t good…be back shortly. :\
Categories: Animals and birds, Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
March 21, 2014 | 0 commentsHappy Halloween 2013
I’m a huge fan of Halloween, the kitsch and candy and costumes. But, I’m also a fan of haunted places…places that look normal, but then you smell perfume no longer made, or feel a chill right next to the fire, or hear someone’s voice when there’s no one around. =shudder=
My Halloween scene this year is dedicated to those haunted places that make you wonder what comes after life. I’ve borrowed the bookcase, Bagnall clock, Miss Kitty (by PamelaJunksMinis), end table and coffee table from the Heritage. The sofa is part of a Bespaq set, and the rug is from Dale’s Dreams. The wallpaper is a delightfully vintage scrapbook paper by Recollections called Remember.
The same photo in sepia tone is even more haunting.
Jane of MiniFanaticus made me some delightful autumn minis, and I’ve used a few in the scene: a gourd and pumpkin…
…some fall leaves, a beautiful centerpiece…
…and candy corn. If you want a laugh, check out Lewis Black’s skit on candy corn. One of the best I’ve ever heard. :D
Ophelia rests on the afghan by Mary of Roslyn Treasures. I made the book of Edgar Allan Poe stories.
The reproduction painting is by Giovanni Boldini of Elizabeth Wharton Drexel, 1905 — borrowed from the Heritage. The burrowing owl is borrowed from Baslow Ranch.
There’s a wee mouse from Sussex Crafts, too! eeeek! He’s hoping you’ll drop a piece of candy corn. :D
Wishing you all a very Happy Halloween! :D
Does it feel chilly in here? :\
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
October 13, 2013 | 0 commentsMidnight Snack
MinisModernas is running their second annual modern minis contest, and I set up a scene in The Artist’s Studio called “Midnight Snack.”
Looks like Cora is hungry, too.
The slippers are from the Heritage, and I couldn’t believe they fit! :D
The goldfish crackers are from Cindy at Snowfern Clover.
Yes, there are tiny goldfish crackers inside. Amazing!
Here’s what the kitchen looks like without the model setup.
The hotplate was made by me and is one of my favorite features of the Studio. :]
Thank you to MinisModernas for a wonderful modern minis contest! :D
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes, The Artist's Studio
June 1, 2013 | 0 commentsHappy Easter from The Haunted Heritage
Presto! No more Halloween and on to Easter…as long as I don’t show the big autumn tree out front. :D
Mr. Rabbit is by K. Kuti Designs. The large basket is from Lidi at Basketcase Miniatures, and I made the flower stems from Bonnie Lavish kits. The white basket was purchased and holds eggs I made for The Aero Squadron Lounge.
The purple flowers in the blue pot are from Michelle of Little Rabbit Minis, and the hydrangeas were purchased.
The stuffed rabbit is from Sisters Dreams.
The shutter garden I made for The Artist’s Studio fits well on the Heritage, too. :D
Happy Easter!!!! :D
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes, The Haunted Heritage
March 31, 2013 | 0 commentsMackintosh dining room
Since I’ve taken the furnishings out of the Newport to pack away until the next modern build, I decided to play tonight. Another incentive is the wonderful modern mini contest over at Minismodernas. :D
So, I set up a high end contemporary dining room with the Mackintosh dining set I had never taken out of the boxes. The Mackintosh ceiling light and dining set are from The Dolls House Emporium.
The curtains are a Marimekko design printed on regular paper, folded and tacked to the sides of the window.
The orange dahlias on the table were made from a Bonnie Lavish kit and placed in a Manor House Minis vase, borrowed from Baxter Pointe Villa. The runner is a piece of real life silk wallpaper.
I stitched the needlepoint rug after adapting a real life rug design called Parasols by Thomas Paul. The flooring is borrowed from the Heritage bedroom.
The two autumn prints are Crimson Dusk and Today by Edward Raymes. I printed them on Art Canvas by The Crafty PC and made frames for them. I built the McQueenie miniatures plant stand from a kit some time ago.
The elephant was purchased at the Bishop Show from Patricia M. Wehmeier Miniatures. The turned brass box is by C.W. Lubin.
The sideboard is also a Mackintosh piece. The bird print is Plum Tree Panel III by Rodolfo Jimenez printed on Art Canvas.
The candlesticks are from Patricia M. Wehmeier Miniatures and the squirrel bottle is by Jane Graber, both purchased at the Bishop Show. The green vase is by C.W. Lubin. I made the books for the Heritage library.
I think this perspective looks like it was taken from atop a flight of stairs.
I loved setting up this scene. There will definitely be more modern minis in my future. :D
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
May 29, 2012 | 0 commentsPhotographing minis without a room box
When I post photos of new minis, I don’t usually photograph them in a dollhouse or room box. I do a quick setup on my dining room table.
Here’s my Halloween 2013 scene, for instance. It was set up on the kitchen counter. I used a sheet of unfinished wood flooring, a scrapbook paper sheet clipped to a piece of plywood and held up by a can of paint and miscellaneous miniatures to create the scene. I have a box for balancing the camera in low light for the nighttime photos and a piece of white foam for diffusing the overhead light in normal lighting conditions.
I start with either a small box or a sheet of plywood on top of canned goods from my pantry. High tech all the way! I then put a sheet of unfinished wood flooring on top of the box or plywood. I use another can to hold up either a scrap of foam core board or plywood and place a sheet of scrapbook paper in front of that.
I place a long piece of baseboard trim in front of the wallpaper to finish the “room.” If it’s a table top item, I borrow a display table – usually this EuroMini’s island I painted for the Newport. Along with the item to be photographed, I include my wheat back penny on a wire stand for size reference.
I use the standard macro setting on my Canon PowerShot G9 with its standard lens. If I need to steady my hand, I’ll stack more canned goods to the proper height or use a box in front of the display table. I also use only the overhead lighting of my dining room fixture, which can be adjusted with a dimmer as needed.
For non-table top items, I just use the scene as is without a display table. In this next photo, I’ve used a piece of finished flooring.
With this kind of quick setup, I can change the wallpaper and baseboard between photos easily. I can also add other props to the display.
If I am in a hurry or just need to photograph one thing, I don’t bother with any of the setup. I grab a clean plywood board, put my item on it, hoist it up in the air so my dining room wall is the backdrop and click the photo! :D
But, even with this on-the-fly setup, I can still put a piece of flooring on the plywood board beforehand.
For the Navajo rug, I place the stitching frame flat on the table, prop up wallpaper on the side and back, and include props.
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
May 24, 2012 | 0 comments
NOTE: All content on otterine.com is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in part or in whole. It takes a lot of time and effort to write and photograph for my blog. Please ask permission before reproducing any of my content. (More on copyright)

Happy New Year – on to 2017!!!
Coming to you live from The Aero Squadron Lounge! Wishing you all a safe and Happy New Year! :D It’s ok to get a little crazy, just be sure to drink plenty of water. Cheers!!!
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
December 31, 2016 | 0 commentsMerry Christmas 2016
Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas!!
Jack and Zero are all in the holiday spirit decorating the tree and sorting out the presents.
Zero has one he’s eager to open. :D
Jack is a bendy doll and Zero is a wind up toy, both of which I’ve had for a long time. I made the presents and the wrapping paper rolls. The tree is from The Newport. It was a bare Lemax tree that I lighted and decorated with mini bulbs, star garland and a tree skirt. The wallpaper is Ornate Quatrefoil by The Paper Studio. The rug is from Iklectic Kollectibles.
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
December 25, 2016 | 0 commentsMom’s Kitchen
I made mom a gift for Mother’s Day, though I was late in the offering. :D I got the idea from a local mini group where they made a little kitchen setting in a jar.
I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a well-made, locking jar. It was pricey for a plain glass jar, but I had my 40% off coupon. :D
I had scraps of wood flooring, so I cut a piece to fit the bottom. I lined it with black foam core board for stability. It is held in place with glue dots.
But, the jar had a bump in the bottom that made the flooring unstable. After some brainstorming, I decided to add a coil of rope in the recess to level the base. It goes well with the country kitchen theme and disguises the foam core circle.
The hutch base is made from a House of Miniatures Hutch Cabinet that was missing the drawer pieces. I made a new false drawer front but left the doors off so I could display more minis. I built the hutch top from strip wood along with some laser cut brackets to add some interest. Mom likes blue, so I chose Folk Art French Blue. I added a towel bar from ELF Miniatures and jewelry finding hardware.
The plates, canning jars, vase and cooking set are Hobby Lobby purchased miniatures.
I printed a new cover to make a Betty Crocker Cooky Book, some recipe cards and a wall calendar to add a date to the project.
I printed a wine label for a bottle blank and made chocolate chip cookies from a tutorial by Sugar Charm Shop. I must admit, they do look like the real deal. nom nom nom! :D
I searched my minis stash for other items to add – cow pitcher from The Dolls House Emporium, tea pot, rolling pin from Honey and Bee, clock from The Dolls House Mall, and copper pot. I also added one of my flour sacks and made Bonnie Lavish wildflowers for the vase.
Everything is glued in place.
Since the glass glares a bit, here is a photo of the full setup outside of the jar.
I love how it turned out.
And, so did mom! :D
I needed this small project to get my juices flowing again. :D
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
May 13, 2016 | 0 commentsA quiet little Christmas
I’ve set up a mini scene in the barn of Milo Valley Farm. The plain tree is by Lemax bought from Michaels. I decorated it with battery operated lights and small ornaments cut from a miniature garland and glued on one by one.
The refrigerator is an old Hallmark ornament that is battery operated.
Some goodies in there for sure! The only thing it was lacking was cheese, so I added a mini from Debora.
One of the snowmen wasn’t feeling well, so he took refuge in the freezer for a bit. haaaaaaaaa! (This is an actual detail of the ornament.)
Cookies have been made for Santa (well, to share with Santa).
There are still decorations left over.
April made the box of vintage ornaments (and snowman snow globe on the cookie table).
The mice are a gift from my mom, made by Rustles from the Meadow.
They seem to be having wonderful Christmas dreams.
Wishing you all the best for the holidays and in the coming New Year! Merry Christmas!!! :D
Box of Christmas goodies from M Carmen; glittered ornaments from Mini Fanaticus. Lyssa sent me the veggies, wreath and birdhouse. Vintage fan by The Kummerows. Tall primitive snowman from Barb’s Corner; snowman on the chest from Patricia Wehmeier Miniatures. Serving platter from Greenhouse Miniatures. Lamp, resin basket and coat rack from HBS. Bespaq side table, bird statue by Jane Graber. Rug from Dales Dreams, doily from Stewart Dollhouse Creations. Rabbit pull toy from D’s Miniatures; matches from Wright Guide Miniatures; votive holder from A Pocket Full of Wishes; shutter table from Karen Aird Miniatures.
I made the cookies, wrapping paper, some of the wrapped gifts (some purchased), bowl of icing, Chrysnbon stool, garland, tree skirt, sea chest (in progress), and feather duster.
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
December 24, 2015 | 0 commentsHappy Halloween 2015
I missed Halloween with the renovation and move last year, so I wasn’t about to let it go this year! :D I’ve set up grandma’s fine parlor for some fun. The dollhouse room has poor lighting at night, so I tried some fancy flash covering work and other tricks of PhotoShop.
I like this photo because the lighting makes it look like a sound stage for a play before the lights go down at curtain time!
That dashing fellow in the photograph seems to take on a different personality if you look really close.
There are many curiosities going on around the room on this fine Halloween day.
I don’t think I want to know what this spell is for, though. :O With that bottle of arsenic, it can’t be good.
But, it’s no wonder you get up to no good when you’re on a bender of cookies, Absinthe and magic mushrooms. I would imagine the story about to be typed is going to be a weird one.
These mushrooms are just for show.
It’s awfully cool outside, so the fan can be put away for the season.
Is it time for candy yet? :D
Seriously, there’s nothing spookier than a curious old sepia-tone photograph.
Can’t you just hear a tinny music box playing out of tune?!! =shudder= Happy Halloween, everyone!!! :D
Notes and credits
The gentleman’s photo is a Martha Stewart hologram sticker and it changes to a scary face at certain angles. It glared with certain light, so Elizabeth Wharton Drexel returned for some of the photos.Pumpkin with candle by Marikes Magical Minis, fossil trilobite from Wendy’s Miniatures, and working clock from Halls Miniature Clocks. Mortar and pestle from Jane Graber, blank bottles from Mini-Tiques, Wright Guide Miniatures and CW Lubin. Dandelion by Lamis Minis, typewriter by Shaker Works West, open book by L. Delaney, magnifying glass by Bill, poison and Absinthe from Four Little Walls. Friedrich the rabbit by Michal Gvir, Isabeau the cat by Maya Schippl, the brace back Windsor chair by Weston Miniature, and mushroom specimen case by Tony. Antique table fan by The Kummerows.
I made … well, the Haunted Heritage :D … and the country table, griffin box, skull cookies, mushroom, burrowing owl, bird statue, playing cards, Oly Studio Ichibad Side Table and rustic stool.
Categories: Roomboxes and Mini Scenes
October 31, 2015 | 0 comments
NOTE: All content on otterine.com is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in part or in whole. It takes a lot of time and effort to write and photograph for my blog. Please ask permission before reproducing any of my content. (More on copyright)