Grass and Tree Trunk

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Grass and Tree Trunk
  • Bishop Show, day 2; 3 Blind Mice, day 2 – 2013

    Gorgeous working clock by Halls Miniature Clocks from Small Treasures.

    Perfect X-Acto knife from Ulus Miniaturas.  I bought his can opener last year.

    Needles from Vilia Miniatures – same vendor for the thimble.

    Ballerina flats from Patrizia Santi.  These came with a wonderful shoebox and bag.

    Vintage photo and yarn from L. Delaney.  It was great to see her books and other printed minis in person, all great quality.

    A lovely white pitcher from Templewood Miniatures.

    Before April insists I made her buy things, let’s remember she’s the one who got me over to the Miniatures in Silver table.  She chose her items, and I picked up the pair she didn’t take.  :D

    Back to the 3 Blind Mice show as well…

    Pumpkin candy wand from A Pocket Full of Wishes.

    Another Teresa Layman French knot rug kit.

    Cootie game and more household/food items from Golden Acorn.  I had this game as a kid, and I think it’s still at my parents’ place.

    Fabrics from Tiny Textiles & More.

    A pint of perfect cherries from The Garden Path.

    Beautiful vase from Jason Feltrope.

    Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
    April 21, 2013 | 0 comments

  • The Bishop Show 2013 – Day 1

    I found quite a lot at the Friday preview at The Bishop Show.  :D

    Gorgeous nightgown from Janet Middlebrook – this is so perfect for grandma and the Heritage.  I don’t have hooks installed on the doors yet, though.  :]  Janet had so many beautifully made clothing items from this delicate nightgown to intricately detailed historical costumes.  Simply beautiful work!

    Pottery from The Enchanted Garden.  Lovely finishes!

    Pottery from Jane Graber.  Beautifully detailed pieces.  The bird is a bank.

    Wicker waste basket from Jane Graber.  The weaving is so fine on this basket.

    Shoes from Spencer’s Nook.  I want these in real life size!  :D

    Lighting from Ray Storey.  He’s always so personable and the quality of his items is wonderful.

    I bought a pair of these.

    Frame from Leeds.

    Thimble from Vilia Miniatures.  Impossibly tiny with wonderful detail.

    Box from Vilia Miniatures.

    Working – yes, working – clothespins from The Little Dollhouse Company.

    Owl trivet and tray by le mini di Pierluigi from The Little Dollhouse Company.

    Travel items including a passport, airline ticket, postcards and brochure from Small Talk.  These are for the Brownstone, home of our world traveler.  :D

    Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
    April 20, 2013 | 0 comments

  • 3 Blind Mice Show – April 2013

    Last night, I headed to the first of the local mini shows: 3 Blind Mice.  Since the IMA Show is no longer running, this show grew considerably in size. There were vendors all over!  :D

    For The Art Studio, I bought a flag with a stand and a door mat from Designs by Janet.

    They add a little welcoming whimsy.

    I also purchased a few items for the mini fridge from Golden Acorn.

    The white tray on the left is for the Studio, but the others are just to add to my accessories collection.  These are all from A Pocket Full of Wishes.

    Also from this vendor are some decorative votives and a candleholder.

    I’ve had my eye on these REAC Frank Lloyd Wright chairs for a couple of years, so I picked them up from William Cambron Designs – a vendor who always has a nice selection of modern miniatures.

    From Mini Decorators, I found some great fabrics.  I’ve been looking for that one on the right for the past couple of years.  The one on the left is used to weave miniature carpets.  She had some nice designs, so I’ll give it try.  :D

    The rug is from Designs by Janet but the vase and pot are from other vendors.

    I bought two French knot rug kits by Teresa Layman.  I’ve never stitched one of these, but they look so perfectly in scale in miniature.

    Two more lights from The Lighting Bug for an upcoming project.

    I always buy birds from Barbara Ann Meyer of Mini Gems, but this time she had a tiny fox and Bastet statue that drew me in, too!

    While I’m showing new minis, here are a few I picked up from All Small Miniatures when I bought the shingles for the Studio.  The stool is also for the Studio, but the other items are for my accessories collection.

    The anchor will be for Jasper Inlet Light, and the vase will likely end up in the Heritage.

    Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
    April 19, 2013 | 0 comments

  • Wee “c” Miniatures Show – 2012

    I went to the last local miniature show last night, and it is still going on today, the Wee “c” Miniatures Show.  I went with a modest cash budget and came home with extra funds. Unfortunately, most of my receipts didn’t have store names and the show program didn’t have a map of vendors, only a list of names.

    Patricia M. Wehmeier Miniatures – she has a wonderful collection of vintage and unusual items, and I’ve purchased from her before at other shows. I bought from her a white vase and a set of colorful stacking bowls.  The basket is an Al Chandronnait creation from Greenhouse Miniatures (no website).

    This unusual chair is also from Patricia.

    I plan to paint it since the shiny mahogany finish doesn’t do it any justice.  :]

    I also bought a fun wheelie bin from her table.

    The same vendor where I bought the basket from had some nicely priced white china – Greenhouse Miniatures (no website).

    I also picked up two larger wood frames from her. The other two frames are from other vendors.

    I picked up some fabric, landscaping items and a large pack of fine gauge floral wire, which seems to be rather elusive in the local craft stores.

    Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
    November 10, 2012 | 0 comments

  • Bishop Show – Aug 2012

    Technically, it’s still summer but the fall Bishop Show just came through this weekend. I had a small budget, stuck with it and even came home with money to spare.  :D

    I bought a lovely rake by Sir Thomas Thumb.  I had found a leaf rake before, but this one is just so much more realistic.

    Next is a mix of minis including a package of light bulbs and a box of hamster treats by Wright Guide Miniatures. The two colorful bowls are by Barbara Anderson Miniatures and were very reasonably priced for the good quality.

    The best item I found while rummaging through a box of miscellaneous minis, which can often yield great items for next to nothing. These are the best pencils I’ve ever seen in mini, and they were only $1.50 each. I searched that box for so long and found only these two – a red one and a green one. The vendor was Small Talk.

    They are so tiny!  :D

    I had this notepad in my mini stash, and the pencils make it look too thick for proper scale.  Ha ha!  The books are borrowed from the Heritage.

    Another find in the box was a bit of knitting for grandma.

    Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
    August 12, 2012 | 0 comments

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