What a fun day at the Bishop Show!
I had my two classes today, and I not only learned a lot but had a great time! :D First up was the brass and copper Arts & Crafts firescreen in a class by Bill Studebaker. This class started out with a bang…well three of us banging ball pein hammers on copper metal sheets on metal anvils on a wooden table. Just a little loud! :O When every person taking other classes in the room stopped and stared, we decided we should move outside for that part. :D Good thing it was a nice day out.
It was great to work with metal and learn soldering, both of which I had never done before. Our class ran long, and we didn’t get to finish our screens, but I am nearly there.
As a reminder, here is the class photo showing the finished item.
I need to blacken the finish and add the actual screen. I’m very pleased with the results considering I am a complete novice with these materials and methods. I plan to buy a soldering tool soon. This has really opened up a lot of possibilities to me.
For size reference, here it is in the Heritage, though it isn’t meant for this house.
Right after class, Keli and I had a nice dinner at the hotel and then we both took a class on using a jeweler’s saw taught by Diane Almeyda. This, too, was a great class. I learned a lot and again will definitely be using these techniques in the future. Diane offered the tool set for sale in the class, too…very convenient
My cuts got better as the night went on, but I had to quit early because I was just too sore and tired to go on. :D Sawing takes a lot out of you, even in mini! But, I came home with patterns and other materials to try.
Here are my pieces; we started with copper sheet. The order goes from right to left, and as you can see my cuts did become cleaner with practice. Sharp angles are my favorite, but I need more practice on curves.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
April 19, 2012 | 0 comments3 Blind Mice show – January 2012
I am lucky to live in an area that has a mini show of some sort every few months as well as the larger Bishop International Show in April every year. This weekend, I attended the 3 Blind Mice show. :]
I met Carol of True 2 Scale. It was fun putting a face to a name. :D You may recall I made her milk carton flower kit for the Heritage. I picked up two of her glitter house kits – the Haunted House and the Barn. She has amazing kits, so be sure to check out her website! I already have her florist boxes and a cake box kit, though I haven’t worked with those just yet.
I picked up a small round side table for the Heritage parlor. I was going to make something for this space, but the color and style work well for the setting.
I like that it coordinates but doesn’t necessarily match the style of the coffee table. Grandma has eclectic taste like me! And, this one is the right color to start. A good buy, I must say!
The Chrysolite table lamp I bought previously fits perfectly!
I hadn’t planned to buy much since I have most of what I need for my current project, but I did pick up an online order from Missy at Green Gables Dollhouse. I figured it was just as easy to pick it up in person at the show as to have her ship it, and we got to meet in person after talking online and on the phone a number of times. :D You’ll see those items in future posts.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops, The Haunted Heritage
January 14, 2012 | 0 commentsBishop Show, day 2 – Aug 2011
I did end up having time to pop back over to the show for a few more items.
The Little Dollhouse Company: a glass perfume bottle along with some beautiful laser cut brass minis by le mini de Pierluigi (a pocket watch and spider web).
It might be a little ‘modern’ for the haunted Heritage, but I liked the pocket watch well enough to take it anyway. I can always use it in a more modern build later on.
The spider web is super delicate.
I also bought a companion for the mouse I bought in Denver. This one’s been taking his multivitamins. :D It was made by the same artist who made the griffin candlesticks: Don Henry.
More from Wright Guide Miniatures: some vintage cleaning products and a broom.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
August 28, 2011 | 0 commentsBishop Show, day 1 – Aug 2011
I’ve tried to include vendors where possible. I am sometimes bad with keeping track of what came from where so I made a point to be more diligent this time around.
From Wright Guide Miniatures: matches, shoe polish, and a cobalt bottle I’ll make a label for before using. They have a set of awesome vignettes on display using their items – just wonderful stuff!
A pair of pedestals from Carol’s Bloomers to finish off the front steps. I’ll paint them to coordinate better with the stone.
A frame for above the fireplace from Small Talk (no web address), shown here with a quick printout of my original artwork titled Favored Knight. I will change the coloration so it’s not so bright and shiny.
From the same vendor, I bought several colors of tiny punched Impatiens flower shapes (not for the Heritage). I’ve looked at these many times at shows, never bought them and always wished I had. :] I have some flower punches of my own, but nothing that makes shapes as small as these.
From Mini-Tiques: a pewter sugar bowl that looks like an urn, a wine bottle with removable cork, a pewter ring holder, and several packages of Grandt Line widow’s walk in 1:48 scale (look at the new penny design!).
One of the finest (and most expensive) miniature purchases to date: a pair of sterling silver griffin candlesticks. These are crafted by Don Henry for Small Treasures Miniatures.
The detailing on them is incredible. They stand just 15/16″ tall without the candles.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
August 27, 2011 | 0 commentsBishop, IMA and 3 Blind Mice shows – 2011
I was lucky enough to enjoy three local miniature shows this weekend: Bishop, 3Blind Mice and Independent Miniature Artisans (IMA) shows. I took no photos this year but did bring home lots of goodies.
I’ve wanted one of these modern office chairs for some time now and found a great deal on it.
These are actual glass wine goblets. Both the glasses and the bottles are a little large in scale, but I really liked their realism.
Found some awesome glass items…
The pitcher, glasses and lemon slices were a set…like a mini kit to make your own lemonade or ice water setup.
These are incredibly detailed laser cut brass. Love those modern keys! The clock faces come with tiny hands.
This trivet is from the same vendor as the brass above…very detailed and has tiny feet.
Some lovely fabrics. :] I could have spent a lot more here!
Alex Meiklejohn. These items were made on a pottery wheel. That large pot has the most marvelous metallic finish and will eventually hold a large indoor tree-plant.
He had a wide variety of sizes and colors at very good prices.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
April 9, 2011 | 0 commentsBishop Show – Aug 2010
The fall Bishop Show is being held at a hotel near me, and I went over there tonight. I didn’t take photos at the show, but here are the items I bought.
The first is a Bespaq loveseat. I love unusual items like this.
These are kits by Kari Bloom at Miniton Miniatures. I bought two of the chairs to make the library table a dining table. I also bought two of the end tables to make a set.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
August 27, 2010 | 0 comments
NOTE: All content on otterine.com is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in part or in whole. It takes a lot of time and effort to write and photograph for my blog. Please ask permission before reproducing any of my content. (More on copyright)

Wee “c” Miniature Show – 2016
I headed to the Wee “c” Miniatures Show last night (with a couple of more hours left today). It’s a small show but worth the admission.
A Pocket Full of Wishes – a green jug for a bargain price. It has a couple of chips but those are easily fixed with paint and sealer.
I always pick up birds from Barbara Ann Meyer. This time she had chickadees in Santa hats! :D
Wildwood Dollhouse & Miniatures – she called this a bug, but it looks like a colorful turtle to me. :] Either way, it appealed to me with its uniqueness and vibrance.
Patricia Hopkins Studio – she was selling some vintage kits to reduce her stash, so I picked up this firescreen and candle holder.
She also had some lovely floral plates.
KMWohrstein – a little bronze vase
Sandy’s Lace – some gorgeous silk fabric and silk gauze. The gauze is 42 count, and I might give true petitpoint a try with it. I’ve tried 40 count, but I end up with bare spots because I pull too hard. I’m not going to retrain myself to stitch after all these years, so I will try a different medium. :D
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
November 12, 2016 | 0 commentsBishop Fall Show 2016
The smaller of the two Bishop Shows that comes to Chicago was on this weekend Friday and Saturday, and I went over there today. I didn’t buy many items, but there were goodies to be had.
The Little Dollhouse Company: this is a tiny compass made by Jane Woodham. It’s exquisitely made.
Iklectic Kollectibles: a lovely woven rug.
Magic-N-Miniature: a mini oil can by Sir Thomas Thumb.
Wright Guide Miniatures: a no trespassing sign for Milo Valley Farm.
C&J Gallery: a relic fireplace piece that I will likely use as a decorative artifact.
I also bought a few things from the recent online miniature show. These are from Natalie Gayle Miniatures. The map case leather is so soft.
The book opens to show a hidden potion bottle.
The rug is fuzzy and perfect for a bath mat.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
August 27, 2016 | 0 commentsThe Miniature Show – debut
This was the first year of The Miniature Show, so we headed there in the morning. The main part of the ballroom had a large center where the show organizer, Swan House Miniatures, displayed wares from various artists, each labeled with a name card. Around the outer walls, there were individual vendors, some first timers.
I finally got to meet Jennifer of Looking Glass Miniatures after having known her from the Greenleaf Dollhouses forum for years. :D She sells old letters, boxes, books, kits and Harry Potter related items. All excellent quality.
Tiny Ceramics — gorgeous designs, thin tiles in perfect scale. I bought two bunny tiles and two plain white tiles to make a plant stand topper.
Just Miniature Scale. I’ve bought from her online store before. She had a lot of Halloween and Christmas items, and I couldn’t pass up this wonderful snowman.
St. Leger — they had the most amazing working automata as well as vintage tools and house accessories. I bought a mop bucket, something I’ve been seeking for awhile now.
A successful round of shows again this year.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
April 16, 2016 | 0 commentsBishop Show 2016 – Preview Day 1
Went to the Bishop Show today. My main mission was to buy a lucky bamboo from Lamis Minis. Mission accomplished! :D
64tnt Miniatures. She had so many wonderful veggies, pumpkins, potion jars and candles with these adorable faces.
Art Forge – beautiful bronze and silver pieces. Here are the kingfisher and horse bust.
Miniature Atelier 2CV. Wonderful hardware.
Jane Graber pottery. Her booth is always mobbed but well worth the wait. :D
Véronique Lux — super cute storybook bunny on a log bench
Red Dragon Pottery — a wide variety of finishes, textures, shapes and sizes. Simply stunning pottery.
Tiny Ter Miniatures. Cookies…enough said. :D
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
April 15, 2016 | 0 comments3 Blind Mice – 2016
I made the rounds at the 3 Blind Mice Show this evening and found a good selection of minis and supplies. First stop was Greg’s table All About Miniatures, featuring a vast display of JBM Miniatures and many supplies for landscaping, building and finishing. He has a huge display of wallpapers and trims right now, so I grabbed some railings for my stash.
I met Alex from the Greenleaf Forum. Her shop Botiny Miniatures has a lovely range of fine plants. I picked up an olaxis plant and a venus fly trap. Now I need 1:12 scale flies. :D The piggy bank was from the front hall table, but there was no name on the receipt.
Hartland Miniatures. Always a ton of goodies here! First, a stoneware platter and bowl.
Candy dish and bowl of nuts (well, they called it a birdfeeder…but it looks like a bowl of nuts to me).
Mini Decorators. They have great fabrics and great selection of random minis.
Designs by Janet. I keep building houses, so I keep needing new welcome mats.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
April 14, 2016 | 0 comments
NOTE: All content on otterine.com is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in part or in whole. It takes a lot of time and effort to write and photograph for my blog. Please ask permission before reproducing any of my content. (More on copyright)