Bishop Show April 2022, day 2
I went back to Chicago International on Sunday and found a few more treasures.
MiniGio. I rounded out the potholder collection with the cactus set.
Taller Targioni. A wee rabbit dressed for cooler weather and a tiny owl figurine.
Lilliput Land. Delightful wood turnings by Bertie Pittman.
Heidi Ott. Always a wonderful selection of lighting, fabrics, doll clothing and accessories.
Ferranti Miniatures. A lovely green glass bottle. I just love this shape!
Laser Creations. I have no idea why I need popcorn containers, but I do. What sold me is they are laser cut, so just a quick snip here and there to release from the page.
They have a wonderful selection of laser cut wood inserts for Houseworks traditional working windows as well as for single and double French doors. I will definitely be shopping here again. The fit is perfect.
Small Things Bright & Beautiful. A fabulous folk art piggy bank.
Puppenstübchen. I looked at this egg sign on Friday but didn’t get one. There was only one left on Sunday, so I figured it was meant to be.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
May 2, 2022 | 0 commentsBishop Show April 2022
First time since 2019!!! So good to be there and see so many people again. Chicago International is running through tomorrow so there is still time to shop if you’re in the Chicagoland area.
Lamis Minis. I hopped right up to Pia’s table first, because I wanted bunnies! I was second in line, so after the first person shopped (not for bunnies), I was able to go just a bit bonkers.
I picked up another skunk not shown here for a friend who could not attend the show and got the mom and baby for myself.
I also picked up a snail for another friend and got a mouse and a snail for myself. Poor Pia had to do a lot of rearranging after all that.
Jane Graber. I usually visit Jane’s table right away as well, but this time it was three people deep and all the way across. The booth looked like locusts had swept through. I did go back and was able to pick one bowl and mug.
Puppenstübchen. Last time, they had a great deal more kits.
But, their finished accessories and furnishings are also lovely.
Castle Crafts. New kits here, but I also picked up some that I didn’t already have. The suitcases came in different colors, and the papers included were shown on the back. Very easy to go through and see what you’d like.
They also had these lovely baskets of mushrooms.
Arjen Spinhoven. I always enjoy seeing Arjen, and I believe this was his first time at the Bishop Show. I was happy to see his table was very busy every time I passed by.
Ulus Miniaturas. Considering my real life purchase not long ago, the tape dispenser made the most sense. And where there’s tape, there’s glue.
MiniGio. I bought the pineapple set awhile back but bought the watermelon set at the show.
Bindels Ornaments. Another vendor I always enjoy seeing. They have the best selection of bits and bobs as well as packaged kits and lots of examples on what you can make.
Oiseau deNim. I have known Peiwen through blogging for years, but this was the first time we’ve met in person. We giggled and hugged, and it was so wonderful! :D She makes the most amazingly detailed tiny miniatures and sells molds for you to make things yourself.
Creations by Lynette. Lynette is not only a talented ceramics maker but was a delight to meet!
Chris Toledo Miniatures. Seeing photographs of his work is one thing, but if you ever can get to a show where he has his roomboxes, you must go. The attention to detail and wonderful finishes are top notch! What’s especially wonderful is you can purchase some of his fixtures as DIY. :D
Véronique Lux. I love her storybook animals. :D
Menutmon Kits. They didn’t have many kits with them, though they are available on the website.
Dragonfly International. I always find goodies at this table.
Categories: Animals and birds, Miniature Shows and Shops
April 30, 2022 | 0 commentsChicago Spring Showcase of Miniatures April 2022
The Chicago Spring Showcase of Miniatures is on through today, so you still have time to shop if you’re in the Chicagoland area.
T&D Miniatures and Dollhouses. Vases, and a fox in a scarf that I didn’t know I needed. :D
Wellies for Fern!
These might be old stock. They were in a bag stapled to a piece of cardboard, and I saw only the one pair. They are smaller than the usual rain boots I see for dollhouses and therefore perfectly sized for Fern. Umbrella by FranMadeMinis.
Mini Mansions. Brass match holder with long matches. The brass has a marvelous patina.
Suzanne’s Dollhouses & Miniatures. I’ve seen this piece in mahogany before but never blonde wood. The lighter color shows off the lines so well.
Mod Pod Miniatures. Retro cat wall clock.
Jo Anne Roberts. Always a great selection of fabrics.
And a bin to find treasures.
A Little More in Miniatures. I just love the floral arrangements at this shop. They also sell the pieces/supplies to make your own as well, including the chairs with the pots just waiting for plants.
Dollhouse Auctions & Sales. This was a fun table of random bits. I especially liked the mini packaged toys. There was a lot to choose from.
KMWohrstein. I swear I had an anvil, but I must have put it in a safe place. Now I have another. The toolbox opens and is clearly marked in case there’s any confusion. :D
I love this small shop vac. Perfect for when you don’t want to drag out the big beast.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
April 30, 2022 | 0 commentsChicago Autumn Showcase of Miniatures November 2021
I attended the Chicago Autumn Showcase of Miniatures last night and it’s still on today, so you have time to shop if you’re in the Chicagoland area.
T&D Miniatures and Dollhouses. Cooler, milk crates, bee apron and kitchen items, laundry basket.
A Pocket Full of Wishes. A pretty cat picture.
WCD Miniatures. Vase, snake, carryout containers, herb/spice set, slinky.
Susan McCay. She has the cutest tiny bears, bunnies and other animals. The bears are removable from their bases so you can use them in miniature scenes.
itty bitty mini (m)art. Love all their retro goodies! I didn’t have an Atari system when I was younger (had a ColecoVision system), but I could not pass up this up!
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
November 13, 2021 | 0 commentsLolly’s Dollhouses
A friend and I went to Lolly’s Dollhouses and found some great treasures. I don’t know why I needed a bag o’ rats, but here we are. Adorable, no?
A selection of household item: vacuum, cat treat jar, baskets, Dremel box.
Hen planter, hydrangea and autumn bouquet.
Some vintage neutral wallpaper rolls.
Lighthouse figurine and tiny teddy bear.
Three story birdhouse.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
August 7, 2021 | 0 commentsChicago Spring Showcase of Miniatures July 2021
Whew! Long time since the last post. I’ve been reorganizing my house and crafting spaces, but I have also been making minis behind the scenes.
There was finally a mini show on! The Chicago Spring Showcase of Miniatures is on through Saturday, so you still have time to shop if you’re in the Chicagoland area. It was great to see people I haven’t seen since 2019! The time does fly by. Now, on to the goodies!
Calico Garden. Bee box
Bundt cake and peeps donuts
T&D Miniatures and Dollhouses. These folks are the hosts of the show. :]
All About Miniatures. Greg has a huge selection of kits in various scales, landscaping and delightful OOAK creations.
Sago palm
Herb table
Skeleton table
J and K Minis. They have a huge selection of unpainted metal minis.
Jancrafted. I bought the last of her amazing trees. I can’t decide if I would plant it outside of a house or have a real Christmas tree indoors. Either way, Chester is sure to climb it. :D
She had vintage goodies as well.
A Pocket Full of Wishes. Always a wonderful collection of handmade and vintage minis. I love this sewing machine/spatula tractor! :D
This is such a cute gift-wrapped house.
A Little More in Miniatures. Another staple for landscaping and interesting accessories.
WCD Miniatures. A mix of vintage and new. I always find goodies here.
Breakfast in bed, coming right up!
D-Tales Miniatures. So many beautiful pieces to choose from.
itty bitty mini (m)art. A new vendor with a fantastic selection of retro tech. They have 1:6 scale as well.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
July 15, 2021 | 0 commentsWee “c” Miniatures Show – 2019
Tonight, I headed to the annual Wee “c” Miniatures Show. It’s a smaller show but there are always wonderful finds to be discovered. The show is open again tomorrow if you are in the area. :] Tonight was vintage minis and kits night!
Young Miniaturist Table. This is the big table of miscellaneous minis, kits and magazines in the lobby outside the main room. All these kits were super cheap.
Same with the minis. You just have to be willing to dig through old, dusty bins. And, if you’re looking for older magazines or inexpensive house kits, you might find it here.
Rubik’s cube kit?
Debbie Rundle. Great minis of all types.
Behold Sabu the Prognosticator. I have no idea why I needed a clairvoyant reptile in a wizard’s hat, but I’m guessing he knows. I’m pretty sure he needs an amulet, perhaps some stars on his hat. And, a silk bed.
Jancrafted. Great vintage kits.
These are fireplace kits with an interesting material for the brickwork.
A Little More in Miniatures. New autumn shrubbery for a future project yet to be named.
I don’t usually buy finished flowers since I enjoy making them so much, and I do have these daisies in kit for from A Little More in Miniatures, but sometimes perfection just can’t be passed by. :D
K. M. Wohrstein. A lot of great old items here. Things I had never seen before.
I’m not usually a fan of brass, but these are wonderful pieces.
William Cambron Designs. Diminutive Designs frame kits that are harder to find.
Great knickknacks.
Greenhouse Miniatures. A fantastic country chair.
A working clock signed Keith Small Time Wales 1998. The clock was not working when I bought it, so I changed the battery. Nothing. I removed the battery altogether to make sure it doesn’t corrode inside the case.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
November 9, 2019 | 0 comments3 Blind Mice Show and The Miniature Show – 2019
We returned to the 3 Blind Mice show first thing this morning.
All About Miniatures. While these dragonflies don’t have clear wings, but they will be lovely in random landscaping.
And, who doesn’t love Dr. Seuss.
This is weighted, so much more realistic than an empty box.
Debra Rundle. Such a cute pig. :]
Kate and Mary Banner. Vintage towel holder that functions.
J and K Minis. I need something to tie up the horse at the Ivy Hollow Post Office.
Purple “B” Emporium. Years ago I bought a craigslist miniature lot, and included was a beautiful wood and brass toy train. Today, I bought a like item. The colors are slightly different and this one has more wear, but clearly it was made by the same person(s).
KMWohrstein. I have something great planned for this Chrysnbon kit. Stay tuned.
David’s Dollhouse. This stack is for the post office, even though they are dated 1977 – way out of range for my era. More on why they are for the post office regardless of this fact coming soon….
We then headed to The Miniature Show.
St. Leger. You push/pull the wire, and the little devil fans the flames. hahaha There was also a vampire in a coffin that rose and reclined. :D
Sandy McHenry. This is a great mini almanac.
It’s printed inside, but I didn’t want to break the binding by opening too wide.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
April 27, 2019 | 0 commentsBishop Show and The Miniature Show – 2019
Today was a long, great and expensive day….but we bought a lot of things. The highest priced item wasn’t really that expensive, so even though plenty of funds were invested, a lot of loot was brought home. We spent the majority of the day at The Bishop Show, so those things are listed first.
Lamis Minis. I love all of things this lovely gal makes. I bought her amazing dandelion one year and her bamboo plant another year. This year, I was determined to have something with her amazing dragonflies. I was the first customer at her table, and she had one item with dragonflies — it had two of them! Mine!
There was no receipt in the bag, so I am not sure which vendor. There were mostly spooky items on the table.
Texas Tiny – this is the bridle only, but it might get me started with the horse harness.
Minis by Karen – bought some former Wright Guide Miniatures pieces here for the post office.
The crank turns, which spins the tiny worlds. The table is separate and was made from the back of an old clock.
Love the bunny in goggles.
We headed over to The Miniature Show for an hour before closing. We’ll go back tomorrow.
Wonderful eggs you paint yourself – so much easier than trying to achieve the right shape in clay. :D
The most realistic pussywillows I’ve seen. I bought four stalks.
Looking Glass Miniatures. Some great things for the post office.
sdk miniatures. My boyfriend bought this for my tiny A-frame build.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
April 27, 2019 | 0 comments3 Blind Mice Show – 2019
Headed to the 3 Blind Mice show for opening night. I love this show — always some awesome vintage minis to be found.
All About Miniatures. My boyfriend has fallen in love with the miniature world and found some great things along the way.
Mod Pod Miniatures. I think this is Cyd’s first time selling at a show. I have a few of her miniatures purchased from etsy, but seeing all of her new minis in person was a real treat. I picked these up for myself. Her mod furniture is top notch!
Debra Rundle. This sewing basket doesn’t open, but I love the fabric and overall design.
Barbara Ann Meyer of Mini Gems. Her birds are always on my list, but her other animals are delightful as well.
Mini Decorators. They have great fabrics…
…and a great selection of random minis. These are my boyfriend’s buys for himself.
Kate and Mary Banner. Again, my boyfriend’s buys – things from childhood. He shared the duplicates with me. :D
A Pocket Full of Wishes. My boyfriend bought this darkroom tray of a naughty photo. It was marked Nantasy Fantasy.
J and K Minis. One of the best finds of the evening was an old desk that looked familiar. I have one of these from a friend; when his mother passed, he gave me her collection of random minis. I’ve always loved this desk, though mine was in rough shape in areas. The one I found tonight had a better finish, but it was missing its mirror. Mine has the mirror, though I removed it for safe keeping when it kept falling out. I had to have the sister piece, of course. My original one is on the left; the new to me one is on the right.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
April 26, 2019 | 0 commentsWee “c” Miniatures Show 2018
Tonight, I headed to the annual Wee “c” Miniatures Show. It’s a smaller show but there are always wonderful finds to be discovered. The show is open again tomorrow if you are in the area. :] It was once again New Old Stock night.
Vendor Unknown – Lobby Area. Yeah, that’s an American Craft Products Ol’ Mercantile, a cousin of The Brownstone! :D I so do not need another building kit, but $30 for a vintage rarity could not be skipped. (She had a Heritage, too.)
There were bins of goodies, if you were willing to dig.
I still have an actual VHS player. :D
Jancrafted. More awesome vintage finds.
Cecelia’s Unique Finds. These lamps are so incredible.
The are marked “RR” and have lights.
I will likely never know if they work since I don’t know the voltage or the receptacle they would need.
The tiny finials screw on to keep the shades in place.
Even if they never light up, they are beauties on their own.
She also had boxes of vintage minis. Teeny crayons!
I recognized the names Venus and Martin Dodge from old dollhouse books.
Look at that brillo pad! :D
I bought a Ron Stetkewicz doorknocker, but this seller didn’t include her card.
All in all, a fabulous night!
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
November 9, 2018 | 0 commentsMilwaukee Dollhouse and Miniature Show – May 2018
I was up in Waukesha, Wisconsin for the Milwaukee Dollhouse and Miniature Show a couple of weeks ago. It was a small show but definitely worth the visit. I recognized a few vendors from the local Chicago shows as well.
J and K Miniatures – got some bare metal items including wheels I need for the moveable ladder in Watson Mill.
William Cambron Designs – I didn’t buy anything from him at the Chicago shows this year because his table was always so crowded. It was crowded here, too, but I still had some good luck!
Cecelia – lovely estate items. None had maker’s marks and I’m not sure who made them, but they are wonderful items.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
June 3, 2018 | 0 comments
NOTE: All content on otterine.com is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in part or in whole. It takes a lot of time and effort to write and photograph for my blog. Please ask permission before reproducing any of my content. (More on copyright)

Bishop Show April 2022, day 2
I went back to Chicago International on Sunday and found a few more treasures.
MiniGio. I rounded out the potholder collection with the cactus set.
Taller Targioni. A wee rabbit dressed for cooler weather and a tiny owl figurine.
Lilliput Land. Delightful wood turnings by Bertie Pittman.
Heidi Ott. Always a wonderful selection of lighting, fabrics, doll clothing and accessories.
Ferranti Miniatures. A lovely green glass bottle. I just love this shape!
Laser Creations. I have no idea why I need popcorn containers, but I do. What sold me is they are laser cut, so just a quick snip here and there to release from the page.
They have a wonderful selection of laser cut wood inserts for Houseworks traditional working windows as well as for single and double French doors. I will definitely be shopping here again. The fit is perfect.
Small Things Bright & Beautiful. A fabulous folk art piggy bank.
Puppenstübchen. I looked at this egg sign on Friday but didn’t get one. There was only one left on Sunday, so I figured it was meant to be.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
May 2, 2022 | 0 commentsBishop Show April 2022
First time since 2019!!! So good to be there and see so many people again. Chicago International is running through tomorrow so there is still time to shop if you’re in the Chicagoland area.
Lamis Minis. I hopped right up to Pia’s table first, because I wanted bunnies! I was second in line, so after the first person shopped (not for bunnies), I was able to go just a bit bonkers.
I picked up another skunk not shown here for a friend who could not attend the show and got the mom and baby for myself.
I also picked up a snail for another friend and got a mouse and a snail for myself. Poor Pia had to do a lot of rearranging after all that.
Jane Graber. I usually visit Jane’s table right away as well, but this time it was three people deep and all the way across. The booth looked like locusts had swept through. I did go back and was able to pick one bowl and mug.
Puppenstübchen. Last time, they had a great deal more kits.
But, their finished accessories and furnishings are also lovely.
Castle Crafts. New kits here, but I also picked up some that I didn’t already have. The suitcases came in different colors, and the papers included were shown on the back. Very easy to go through and see what you’d like.
They also had these lovely baskets of mushrooms.
Arjen Spinhoven. I always enjoy seeing Arjen, and I believe this was his first time at the Bishop Show. I was happy to see his table was very busy every time I passed by.
Ulus Miniaturas. Considering my real life purchase not long ago, the tape dispenser made the most sense. And where there’s tape, there’s glue.
MiniGio. I bought the pineapple set awhile back but bought the watermelon set at the show.
Bindels Ornaments. Another vendor I always enjoy seeing. They have the best selection of bits and bobs as well as packaged kits and lots of examples on what you can make.
Oiseau deNim. I have known Peiwen through blogging for years, but this was the first time we’ve met in person. We giggled and hugged, and it was so wonderful! :D She makes the most amazingly detailed tiny miniatures and sells molds for you to make things yourself.
Creations by Lynette. Lynette is not only a talented ceramics maker but was a delight to meet!
Chris Toledo Miniatures. Seeing photographs of his work is one thing, but if you ever can get to a show where he has his roomboxes, you must go. The attention to detail and wonderful finishes are top notch! What’s especially wonderful is you can purchase some of his fixtures as DIY. :D
Véronique Lux. I love her storybook animals. :D
Menutmon Kits. They didn’t have many kits with them, though they are available on the website.
Dragonfly International. I always find goodies at this table.
Categories: Animals and birds, Miniature Shows and Shops
April 30, 2022 | 0 commentsChicago Spring Showcase of Miniatures April 2022
The Chicago Spring Showcase of Miniatures is on through today, so you still have time to shop if you’re in the Chicagoland area.
T&D Miniatures and Dollhouses. Vases, and a fox in a scarf that I didn’t know I needed. :D
Wellies for Fern!
These might be old stock. They were in a bag stapled to a piece of cardboard, and I saw only the one pair. They are smaller than the usual rain boots I see for dollhouses and therefore perfectly sized for Fern. Umbrella by FranMadeMinis.
Mini Mansions. Brass match holder with long matches. The brass has a marvelous patina.
Suzanne’s Dollhouses & Miniatures. I’ve seen this piece in mahogany before but never blonde wood. The lighter color shows off the lines so well.
Mod Pod Miniatures. Retro cat wall clock.
Jo Anne Roberts. Always a great selection of fabrics.
And a bin to find treasures.
A Little More in Miniatures. I just love the floral arrangements at this shop. They also sell the pieces/supplies to make your own as well, including the chairs with the pots just waiting for plants.
Dollhouse Auctions & Sales. This was a fun table of random bits. I especially liked the mini packaged toys. There was a lot to choose from.
KMWohrstein. I swear I had an anvil, but I must have put it in a safe place. Now I have another. The toolbox opens and is clearly marked in case there’s any confusion. :D
I love this small shop vac. Perfect for when you don’t want to drag out the big beast.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
April 30, 2022 | 0 commentsChicago Autumn Showcase of Miniatures November 2021
I attended the Chicago Autumn Showcase of Miniatures last night and it’s still on today, so you have time to shop if you’re in the Chicagoland area.
T&D Miniatures and Dollhouses. Cooler, milk crates, bee apron and kitchen items, laundry basket.
A Pocket Full of Wishes. A pretty cat picture.
WCD Miniatures. Vase, snake, carryout containers, herb/spice set, slinky.
Susan McCay. She has the cutest tiny bears, bunnies and other animals. The bears are removable from their bases so you can use them in miniature scenes.
itty bitty mini (m)art. Love all their retro goodies! I didn’t have an Atari system when I was younger (had a ColecoVision system), but I could not pass up this up!
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
November 13, 2021 | 0 commentsLolly’s Dollhouses
A friend and I went to Lolly’s Dollhouses and found some great treasures. I don’t know why I needed a bag o’ rats, but here we are. Adorable, no?
A selection of household item: vacuum, cat treat jar, baskets, Dremel box.
Hen planter, hydrangea and autumn bouquet.
Some vintage neutral wallpaper rolls.
Lighthouse figurine and tiny teddy bear.
Three story birdhouse.
Categories: Miniature Shows and Shops
August 7, 2021 | 0 comments
NOTE: All content on otterine.com is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in part or in whole. It takes a lot of time and effort to write and photograph for my blog. Please ask permission before reproducing any of my content. (More on copyright)