Sharee featured her beautiful Bodo Hennig sewing machine last fall, and while it had been on my wish list already, seeing hers sent me on the search for one. The retail price is hefty, though I’m not saying it isn’t worth it. It’s a beautiful item, but I had hoped to find a better deal…and I finally did. This beauty was found on eBay for a nice price in pristine condition. It has a black rubber band that moves the needle and pedal when you crank the wheel. Miss Charlotte is a mouse doll from PamelaJunksMinis. The scissors and pin cushion are purchased minis from local shows.

The thimble is from Vilia Miniatures. It’s impossibly tiny with wonderful detail.

The box of needles is also from Vilia Miniatures.

I borrowed the vanity stool from the Heritage, and the mannequin was made from a Hazel Dowd kit. The fashion drawings and large books are from L Delaney, and the rug is from Dale’s Dreams. The vintage radio is from Halls Miniature Clocks (I have one in dark green, too). The yardstick was purchased at the local shows, and the cabinet was a local craigslist find.

I purchased the skeins of yarn over the years, but the knitting is from Small Talk (a vendor at one of the local mini shows). The basket is by Al Chandronnait.

It looks so real! :D