Blue medallion rug – introduction

August 23, 2012

I found this beautiful rug on Jorge Cubells’s blog, and he was kind enough to upload a larger picture so I could stitch one for myself. I will be using colors very similar to his. I mounted a piece of 32ct Jobelan on a wood frame, and my threads are all from my existing stash…though I do need a better dark green than the one I have. The background will be ivory – DMC 712 – which I will do most of after the border and medallion are in place. I want to limit the chances of the ivory being soiled as I work on the darker designs.

Update 9-9-2012: I noticed a small issue with the pattern. It seems there is a column missing from the middle of the design on the pattern I downloaded, so there are two lines of stitching missing in my rug as I’ve stitched it. From Jorge’s photo, I see the violet flowers are uniform all the way around, but on my rug as I followed the chart, my middle violet flower is smaller than the two on either side…and the blue decoration in the border runs together where there should be a space between them. I realized it was off when I taped the pattern together but thought it was just a design element. It wasn’t until I looked at the photo of the finished rug again that I saw the pattern was off.

But, I am not starting over after 34.75 hours of work! Unless you are familiar with the original, you don’t even notice. Looking at my rug, nothing appears obviously off; it just differs from Jorge’s original. I still love it, and I am forging ahead!


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