Bishop Show, day 2 – Aug 2011

August 28, 2011

I did end up having time to pop back over to the show for a few more items. 

The Little Dollhouse Company: a glass perfume bottle along with some beautiful laser cut brass minis by le mini de Pierluigi (a pocket watch and spider web).

It might be a little ‘modern’ for the haunted Heritage, but I liked the pocket watch well enough to take it anyway.  I can always use it in a more modern build later on.

The spider web is super delicate.

I also bought a companion for the mouse I bought in Denver.  This one’s been taking his multivitamins.  :D  It was made by the same artist who made the griffin candlesticks: Don Henry.

More from Wright Guide Miniatures: some vintage cleaning products and a broom.


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