Technically, it’s still summer but the fall Bishop Show just came through this weekend. I had a small budget, stuck with it and even came home with money to spare. :D
I bought a lovely rake by Sir Thomas Thumb. I had found a leaf rake before, but this one is just so much more realistic.

Next is a mix of minis including a package of light bulbs and a box of hamster treats by Wright Guide Miniatures. The two colorful bowls are by Barbara Anderson Miniatures and were very reasonably priced for the good quality.

The best item I found while rummaging through a box of miscellaneous minis, which can often yield great items for next to nothing. These are the best pencils I’ve ever seen in mini, and they were only $1.50 each. I searched that box for so long and found only these two – a red one and a green one. The vendor was Small Talk.

They are so tiny! :D

I had this notepad in my mini stash, and the pencils make it look too thick for proper scale. Ha ha! The books are borrowed from the Heritage.

Another find in the box was a bit of knitting for grandma.