Beautiful umbrellas by Fran

September 18, 2011

Some time back, Fran of FranMadeMinis and I started an email exchange. At that time, I discovered that she makes some of the most remarkable miniature umbrellas and luggage. I just knew I had to have one of these marvelous creations, but it ended up turning into two. :D Funny how that is.

To give her a sense of what I was looking for, I had to give her the backstory on the Heritage build. I told her I was leaning toward an old woman living in the house she’s always loved, but she can’t get around as well anymore and the place has fallen into disrepair. I didn’t want the umbrellas to be crazy tattered, just maybe a bit worn and well loved. I was thinking the umbrellas would be treasures in the house, even with – or especially because of – their age. One would be her lost love’s umbrella that didn’t feel right being anywhere else but still waiting by the door and the other would be the one he bought for her.

Aren’t they awesome? She completely captured what I was talking about! I love the faded classic black and the soft blues she used.

I assembled a Phoenix Model umbrella stand kit to display the umbrellas. I primed it with grey and then sprayed it Burnished Copper Metal by Rustoleum.

Once that was dry, I added a few paint washes. A few simple washes actually add weight to the piece, make it seem like a heavy piece you might stub your toe on if you’re not careful.

This piece has so many beautiful details – a true quality kit.

Add the beautiful umbrellas by Fran, and it’s the first vignette ready for a soon to be decorated foyer.


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