I’ve set up a mini scene in the barn of Milo Valley Farm. The plain tree is by Lemax bought from Michaels. I decorated it with battery operated lights and small ornaments cut from a miniature garland and glued on one by one.

The refrigerator is an old Hallmark ornament that is battery operated.

Some goodies in there for sure! The only thing it was lacking was cheese, so I added a mini from Debora.

One of the snowmen wasn’t feeling well, so he took refuge in the freezer for a bit. haaaaaaaaa! (This is an actual detail of the ornament.)

Cookies have been made for Santa (well, to share with Santa).

There are still decorations left over.

April made the box of vintage ornaments (and snowman snow globe on the cookie table).

The mice are a gift from my mom, made by Rustles from the Meadow.

They seem to be having wonderful Christmas dreams.

Wishing you all the best for the holidays and in the coming New Year! Merry Christmas!!! :D

Box of Christmas goodies from M Carmen; glittered ornaments from Mini Fanaticus. Lyssa sent me the veggies, wreath and birdhouse. Vintage fan by The Kummerows. Tall primitive snowman from Barb’s Corner; snowman on the chest from Patricia Wehmeier Miniatures. Serving platter from Greenhouse Miniatures. Lamp, resin basket and coat rack from HBS. Bespaq side table, bird statue by Jane Graber. Rug from Dales Dreams, doily from Stewart Dollhouse Creations. Rabbit pull toy from D’s Miniatures; matches from Wright Guide Miniatures; votive holder from A Pocket Full of Wishes; shutter table from Karen Aird Miniatures.
I made the cookies, wrapping paper, some of the wrapped gifts (some purchased), bowl of icing, Chrysnbon stool, garland, tree skirt, sea chest (in progress), and feather duster.