Heritage – grandma’s neglected lawn, part 2

October 10, 2012

Continuing work on the lawn. I primed each foam piece with grey gesso. I had left the pieces removable since I didn’t want to risk getting gesso or paint on the brick foundation.

After these dried, I painted all of the pieces black. I still need to sculpt the area around the tree, but I sealed and painted all of the pieces I had cut previously.

I glued the foam to the landscaping board using Weldbond glue. I applied glue to both surfaces with a scrap of cardboard and then pressed the pieces into place.

I also glued the wood bases for the stairs and cellar doors in place, though the stairs and cellar doors will stay removable for the time being.

I added some leftover stucco patch to fill in the gaps between the pieces.

It will be easy enough to touch up the paint once it dries without marring the house foundation.


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