Fancy bow front dresser, part 2

July 13, 2013

I’ve worked more on the fancy bow front dresser including two coats of Tapioca paint by Folk Art.

The dresser construction left some gaps between the parts, so I spackled and sanded those seams before painting.

The dresser drawers have been sanded to fit. I’m always wary of that phrase. I bumped a corner on only one drawer, so I think I did pretty well.

The kit didn’t fit all that well in the front – the drawers were too recessed in comparison to the dividing panels. I added a shim of veneer to the inside back. This helped level the drawers in front by pushing them forward slightly.

I wanted a painted finish with branches, flowers and birds, so I bought some small detailing brushes for fine painting.

I added an aging wash and then painted on the branches. The nice thing about making a vintage painted dresser is if you mess it up, you just wipe away the paint. And residue just adds to the age and depth of painting.

To paint the front, I added the drawers.

Once I had the branches painted, I masked off the top.

I painted it to look like stained wood. There are a few imperfections in the wood that I could not sand out in the initial construction, but it works well for a vintage piece.

With the mirror propped in place, it looks like we’re getting somewhere.

I rather like it with just the branches, but I wonder if it looks too incomplete like this…hmm…


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