Happy Halloween 2015

October 31, 2015

I missed Halloween with the renovation and move last year, so I wasn’t about to let it go this year! :D I’ve set up grandma’s fine parlor for some fun. The dollhouse room has poor lighting at night, so I tried some fancy flash covering work and other tricks of PhotoShop.

I like this photo because the lighting makes it look like a sound stage for a play before the lights go down at curtain time!

That dashing fellow in the photograph seems to take on a different personality if you look really close.

There are many curiosities going on around the room on this fine Halloween day.

I don’t think I want to know what this spell is for, though. :O With that bottle of arsenic, it can’t be good.

But, it’s no wonder you get up to no good when you’re on a bender of cookies, Absinthe and magic mushrooms. I would imagine the story about to be typed is going to be a weird one.

These mushrooms are just for show.

It’s awfully cool outside, so the fan can be put away for the season.

Is it time for candy yet?  :D


Seriously, there’s nothing spookier than a curious old sepia-tone photograph.

Can’t you just hear a tinny music box playing out of tune?!! =shudder= Happy Halloween, everyone!!! :D

Notes and credits
The gentleman’s photo is a Martha Stewart hologram sticker and it changes to a scary face at certain angles. It glared with certain light, so Elizabeth Wharton Drexel returned for some of the photos.

Pumpkin with candle by Marikes Magical Minis, fossil trilobite from Wendy’s Miniatures, and working clock from Halls Miniature Clocks. Mortar and pestle from Jane Graber, blank bottles from Mini-Tiques, Wright Guide Miniatures and CW Lubin. Dandelion by Lamis Minis, typewriter by Shaker Works West, open book by L. Delaney, magnifying glass by Bill, poison and Absinthe from Four Little WallsFriedrich the rabbit by Michal Gvir, Isabeau the cat by Maya Schippl, the brace back Windsor chair by Weston Miniature, and mushroom specimen case by Tony. Antique table fan by The Kummerows.

I made … well, the Haunted Heritage :D … and the country table, griffin box, skull cookies, mushroom, burrowing owl, bird statue, playing cards, Oly Studio Ichibad Side Table and rustic stool.


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