Watson Mill – sails, part 4

March 26, 2017

Continuing work on the windmill sails. Just a short update that is long on work hours. I now have four completed sails and will move on to the hub and shaft next. I had such a hard time getting motivated to do the last three sails after completing the first. Yes, I can stand the “tedium” of needlework for hours, but this insanity just pushed me over the edge. I am glad to move on now.

I think these are just the right size for the facade.

There was a question about whether these weigh more than the mockup versions and if the motor would be able to handle the extra weight. Interestingly enough, the wood sails weigh the same as the foam core board mockup sails (1.1 ounces on my postal scale). Of course, the cloth I add later will increase the weight, but the motor should be able to handle it without issue.

Categories: Watson Mill


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