Half Clocked – skylights

December 9, 2018

I was originally going to use Houseworks 8-light windows for the skylights, but one fit perfectly and the other didn’t. Since they would be right across from one another, there was no way to disguise the variation. I checked the kit windows, and they were the same size. Since they come as separate fronts and backs, they are easier to paint and finish. Plus, you don’t have to worry about slight differences in wall/roof thickness. I painted the interiors White Birch and the exteriors Slate Green, both by Americana.

I cut new acrylic inserts since the kit glass was smaller than the full opening, and I didn’t want them to shift out of place.

I added some aging to the exteriors.

The interiors blend well. I thought dark brown rectangles would be too much, so I didn’t stain them to match the rest of the trim. I think this was the right choice.

With these installed, the structure itself is complete except for the back wall, which I hope to finish this week. (eek!) :D

Categories: Half Clocked


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