Miss Lydia Pickett Cottage Clock – part 3

May 13, 2018

Continuing work on the Miss Lydia Pickett Cottage Clock in 1:12 scale by Robin Betterley’s Miniatures.

While I was looking through my stash of craft goodies, I found this package of clock face pendants.

I cut the bails from the sides and filed the edges smooth. It fits perfectly, so perhaps it was meant to be. I’ve set it aside as a strong possibility for the final clock face. I know there are watch movements that can be added, but I’m opting to forego making this a working clock.

The instructions have you bevel the top edge of the base, but I beveled the top edges of the lower base, lower top and body base for added detailing.

For the top part of the clock, I beveled the lower edge of the body top and head base.

The base and body are simple boxes that needed very little adjustment before gluing.

The curved door doesn’t open and making opening doors wasn’t something I wanted to spend time on, but there’s no reason you can’t add faux detailing. :D I took some 3/16″ hinges and made notches to insert them later after painting.

I added the body and base trims, beveling them slightly on the inside edges.

I got the clock head glued together and slathered it with spackling after the initial sanding. It rather looks like a petit four. :D The spackling should make the curve smoother once sanded.

Categories: Half Clocked


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