Swap with Jane of MiniFanaticus

March 20, 2013

I’ve loved Jane’s minis since she first started blogging about them.  She makes wonderful minis from clay, especially food.  All of the dishes are mine, and Jane was kind enough to leave everything loose so I could play…er…arrange as I pleased.

Look at these tiny gumdrops and mints!!!

Can’t you just taste the granulated sugar?  Feel the refreshing tingle of mint?

Her sweets are so detailed and realistic.

Each layer has just the right color, translucence, texture and sheen.  Look how perfect that tiny cherry is!  Even its little stem.

I’m seriously going to have to take a trip to the local bakery if I keep staring at these.

And, let’s not forget the donuts!!!  :O  Mini sugar buzz.

These ornaments will find a home in grandma’s attic until next Christmas.  :]  I borrowed the milk crate from The Aero Squadron Lounge to keep them from rolling off the table.

I don’t want to post what I’ve sent her in return — I want her to be surprised, though she did give me an idea of what she needed for her builds.  Thanks so much, Jane!!!

Categories: Miniatures


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