Wee “c” Miniatures Show – 2019

November 9, 2019

Tonight, I headed to the annual Wee “c” Miniatures Show.  It’s a smaller show but there are always wonderful finds to be discovered.  The show is open again tomorrow if you are in the area.  :] Tonight was vintage minis and kits night!

Young Miniaturist Table. This is the big table of miscellaneous minis, kits and magazines in the lobby outside the main room. All these kits were super cheap.

Same with the minis. You just have to be willing to dig through old, dusty bins. And, if you’re looking for older magazines or inexpensive house kits, you might find it here.

Rubik’s cube kit?

Debbie Rundle. Great minis of all types.

Behold Sabu the Prognosticator. I have no idea why I needed a clairvoyant reptile in a wizard’s hat, but I’m guessing he knows. I’m pretty sure he needs an amulet, perhaps some stars on his hat. And, a silk bed.

Jancrafted. Great vintage kits.

These are fireplace kits with an interesting material for the brickwork.

A Little More in Miniatures. New autumn shrubbery for a future project yet to be named.

I don’t usually buy finished flowers since I enjoy making them so much, and I do have these daisies in kit for from A Little More in Miniatures, but sometimes perfection just can’t be passed by. :D

K. M. Wohrstein. A lot of great old items here. Things I had never seen before.

I’m not usually a fan of brass, but these are wonderful pieces.

William Cambron Designs. Diminutive Designs frame kits that are harder to find.

Great knickknacks.

Greenhouse Miniatures. A fantastic country chair.

A working clock signed Keith Small Time Wales 1998. The clock was not working when I bought it, so I changed the battery. Nothing. I removed the battery altogether to make sure it doesn’t corrode inside the case.


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