Bishop Show and The Miniature Show – 2019

April 27, 2019

Today was a long, great and expensive day….but we bought a lot of things.  The highest priced item wasn’t really that expensive, so even though plenty of funds were invested, a lot of loot was brought home.  We spent the majority of the day at The Bishop Show, so those things are listed first.

Lamis Minis.  I love all of things this lovely gal makes.  I bought her amazing dandelion one year and her bamboo plant another year.  This year, I was determined to have something with her amazing dragonflies.  I was the first customer at her table, and she had one item with dragonflies — it had two of them!  Mine! 

Jane Graber


Vitreus Ignis

There was no receipt in the bag, so I am not sure which vendor.  There were mostly spooky items on the table.

Texas Tiny – this is the bridle only, but it might get me started with the horse harness.

Teresa Layman


Castle Crafts

Minis by Karen – bought some former Wright Guide Miniatures pieces here for the post office.

Fairy Wings Mini Things

The crank turns, which spins the tiny worlds.  The table is separate and was made from the back of an old clock.

Love the bunny in goggles.

We headed over to The Miniature Show for an hour before closing.  We’ll go back tomorrow.

Arjen Spinhoven

Art of Mini

Wonderful eggs you paint yourself – so much easier than trying to achieve the right shape in clay.  :D

The most realistic pussywillows I’ve seen.  I bought four stalks.

Looking Glass Miniatures.  Some great things for the post office.

sdk miniatures.  My boyfriend bought this for my tiny A-frame build.


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