I’ve been meaning to tackle the Cluny Animals rug designed by the late Bobbie Schoonmaker for many years. There are other projects ahead of it, but I recently took some time working on re-charting the pattern in Pattern Maker Pro by HobbyWare (as of 2024, it seems the company website is defunct). Charting into the software makes it easy to swap colors and make modifications to the layout, which is what I planned to do. Working on the chart little by little now means it will be ready for when I want to dive into stitching.
I drew a cat in the same style as the other animals to replace the original monkey, and it came out well if I do say so. I’ve decided on a size slightly smaller than the original with mine to be stitched in French knots. I made the border rabbits mirror one another and rearranged the placement and direction of the animals for a flow of color and direction more pleasing to me.
While meant as a rug, this size can also serve as a wall hanging, which is likely what I’ll end up doing with it.
Here is what the original looked like.