3 Blind Mice – 2016

April 14, 2016

I made the rounds at the 3 Blind Mice Show this evening and found a good selection of minis and supplies.  First stop was Greg’s table All About Miniatures, featuring a vast display of JBM Miniatures and many supplies for landscaping, building and finishing.  He has a huge display of wallpapers and trims right now, so I grabbed some railings for my stash.

I met Alex from the Greenleaf Forum.  Her shop Botiny Miniatures has a lovely range of fine plants.  I picked up an olaxis plant and a venus fly trap.  Now I need 1:12 scale flies.  :D  The piggy bank was from the front hall table, but there was no name on the receipt.

Hartland Miniatures.  Always a ton of goodies here!  First, a stoneware platter and bowl.

Candy dish and bowl of nuts (well, they called it a birdfeeder…but it looks like a bowl of nuts to me).

Mini Decorators.  They have great fabrics and great selection of random minis.

Designs by Janet.  I keep building houses, so I keep needing new welcome mats.


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