Steampunk Holiday, part 8
The final part of the Steampunk Holiday ensemble is the jacket with faux vest.
I altered Simplicity 2172 to make the jacket - changing the front slightly and cropping a lot of the length. I also omitted the shoulder detailing, cuffs, pocket welts and back lacing.
I made a quick mockup of cotton fabric to test the fit and help with the front alteration. I altered the front pattern piece with the vest portion by cutting off the lower piece that attaches to the side front. I made a straight size 6, adding 3/8" to the front edge of the vest for a better fit over the corset.
I eliminated the pocket welts by using lining pattern piece 10 for the side front. This substitution and the omission of the back lacing cut down a lot of time in construction. I lined the chocolate velvet vest insert with brown satin and constructed each piece separate from the coat. I put the buttonholes in at this time since it's easier to work with a small piece.
When it came time to sewing in the lining, I basted the vest fronts to the jacket beforehand. This gives a more realistic impression of a vest under a jacket.
The rest of the jacket has charcoal and light grey polka dot satin lining. :D
To finish the outer edge, I added grey-brown Venise lace. I didn't limit the lace to the neckline but added it all the way around the suiting portion of the jacket.
The whole ensemble...
From the back...
The party was great fun with good food and good conversation. :]