Wallpaper Mucilage, I love you!
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Interesting. I haven't had any problems with YES, but now I'm all curious about this paste..... Perhaps I'll order some in the future.
11/30/13 @ 21:45
Hi Brae, Thanks for sharing this information. Wallpaper can be such a difficult problem to resolve if it all goes wrong. Appreciated your testing it in different circumstances.
Regards Janine
11/30/13 @ 22:19

12/01/13 @ 04:49
Hi Brae! I have used that Mucilage on the only wallpapering I have done... in my Cupboard House Dining Room... (Oh that neglected house....) and in the bedroom of the Lovely Old Dollhouse and in the upstairs of the Folly and I have had no issues with any buckling or bubbles of any kind. It has stayed put just perfectly... and we go from very humid in the Summer to Painfully dry in the Winter! I had thought to try "real" wallpaper paste... but they make the formulas with all sorts of additives these days... so I was happy to find the mini jars of the Mucilage. I can't wait to see where you have applied your wallpaper!!! (I find these secret building projects a little annoying... I want to see the step by step as it goes project!!!!) Okay, I'm done pouting now... I LOVE all the things you make, and your work and your meticulous processes are very inspiring! Please keep up the great work!
12/01/13 @ 08:45
I've used it on all the wallpapered walls in my dollhouse. I really love it. And this dollhouse came to me damaged, with irregularities on the surface of the walls. Mucilage has really worked.
12/01/13 @ 12:26
I have used this a lot and after many years, it's still holding with no issues. FWIW, Hobby Lobby usually carries this - it's one of the few miniature items they do carry (plus flat tape "wire" and tranformers). Always looking to save with that 40% off coupon ...
12/01/13 @ 21:22
Hi Brae!
Love the wallpaper name :-) Much appreciate the information about the pastes and tests. Can't wait to see where that particular wallpaper is going. Interesting.
12/02/13 @ 10:59
P.S. I forgot to tell you that I particularly stressed the mucilage. I used it to wallpaper with some embossed white scrapbook paper, then I painted the paper with a couple coats of watered down paint. The mucilage held up well - no buckling, curling, bubbling, etc.
12/02/13 @ 17:18
Thanks for the added info. I will have to check Hobby Lobby the next time I am in need! 

12/08/13 @ 13:48
How long does it usually take for the minigraphics mucilage to dry?
01/12/21 @ 19:59
I'm not sure of the exact drying time. When I use it, I usually end up leaving it overnight or longer before moving on to next steps.
01/13/21 @ 11:42